Fat, Lies and Low Self-Esteem- The Truth about Diets the Diet Industry Doesn`t Want You to Know

Released on = January 24, 2006, 7:15 pm

Press Release Author = Tools To Life

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Educating the public that diets and pills are not the
solution to weight loss. Announcing the launch of Tools To Life Guided Self
Development Program, which offers individuals a real and permanent way to change
behavior and achieve desired results.


Fat, Lies and Low Self-Esteem: The Truth about Diets the Diet Industry Doesn\'t Want
You to Know

Los Angeles, CA -- January 25, 2006 -- Ninety-five percent off all people who go on
a diet and lose weight regain the weight and more. Life Coach Devlyn Steele creator
of http://www.lifecoachadvice.com points out, "The
diet industry sets people up to fail with bad advice and lies, which lowers
self-esteem by attacking a symptom not a cause." Coach Steele insists, "We must
steer people away from diets to solutions that cure the cause of weight." Coach
Steele has the solution with the upcoming Internet launch of the
http://www.toolstolife.com Guided Self Development

"The endless amount of bad advice and lies the diet industry feeds the public is
shameless." An exasperated Coach Steele tells us. "There are no food groups that
create weight loss. Weight gain or loss results from the number of calories an
individual consumes versus how many calories burned in a day, regardless of food
group or type. The diet industry would have us eating field grass is we would buy

When an individual fails at a diet, they blame themselves, not the strategy of the
diet. This can have a devastating effect on self-esteem causing insecurity,
desperation, and vulnerability. The diet industry capitalizes on this vulnerability
to the tune of over $50 billion annually with a barrage of claims, some down right
bizarre. The truth is, eating more cereal, for example, is not going to help you to
lose weight.

The focus of diets is on losing weight, not changing behavior. Weight itself is a
symptom. When one attains his or her weight goal with a crash, fad diet, their
previous thinking patterns remain unchanged. Predictably, the individual falls back
into old routines and soon returns to their previous weight, if not more. It is
this seemingly endless cycle that the diet industry exploits for substantial

The cause of weight is how an individual thinks about food, exercise and life style.
The solution to helping people create permanent weight loss is to transform how
individuals think about food and exercise.

Coach Steele is excited, "The technology of the Internet allows for a revolution in
self development called \'guided self development.\' In such, we are able to guide
people to real behavioral change and create real and permanent results, including
weight loss." Coach Steele announces. "We are about to launch the Tools To Life
Guided Self Development Program on the Internet. This program will
help people reach their goals by changing their behavior permanently; giving
individuals self control to create the changes they want and make them last."

Contact: CoachSteele@ToolsToLife.com
Phone: 310-383-9040


Web Site = http://www.lifecoachadvice.com

Contact Details = Devlyn Steele||333 Washington Blvd||Marina Del Rey ,

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